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Sprinkle is a volume clustering utility based on RClone. It presents all the RClone available volumes as a single clustered volume. It supports 1-way sync mainly for backup and recovery.

A Guide to Sprinkle

This document contains a basic starting guide to use Sprinkle. It will guide you in setting up Sprinkle volumes and how to backup/recover data.


This section describes the installations steps required to install Sprinkle for Windows and Linux. Keep in mind that the actual steps might change based on your environment.

Install RClone

The first thing to do is to install RClone. The best way to install RClone is by following the official guide here.
After the installation is complete, the following 2 commands, for Windows and Linux should report the respective installed version:

for Windows:
C:\>rclone.exe --version
rclone v1.43.1
- os/arch: windows/amd64
- go version: go1.11
for Linux:
$ rclone --version
rclone v1.43
- os/arch: linux/amd64
- go version: go1.11

You may need to modify the PATH environment variable to make the command available to the system. Consult the related operating system documentation on the different way to modify the PATH environment variable if needed.
Now that RClone is installed, let’s proceed…

Install Python 3

Sprinkle is developed in Python 3. This chapter describes how to setup Python for Windows and Linux. The best way to install Python is by following the official documentation here. After the installation is completed, the following two commands will return the respective version.
Make sure the installed version is at least 3.6 or later.

for Windows:
C:\>python --version
Python 3.6.5
for Linux:
$  python3 --version
Python 3.6.2

On Linux the actual command might be called python3 due to compatibility and co-existemce with version 2.

Install Sprinkle and Dependencies

Now, we can install Sprinkle and the necessary dependencies by following the officiel guide here.
After the installation is complete, executing the following two commands will report Sprinkle’s version for the respective operating system:

for Windows:
C:\>python --version
    1.0.0, module version: 1.0.0, rclone module version: 1.0.2
for Linux:
$ --version
    1.0.0, module version: 1.0.0, rclone module version: 1.0.2

At this point, you can check prerequisites with the following command: --check-prereq
checking prerequisites, examine the error messages below...
**** PASSED! ****

If anything other than PASSES! is displayed, resolve the problem until the PASSED! message is displayed.


Now, that everything is installed and functional. Let’s proceed with the configuration of RClone and Sprinkle.

Configure RClone

Configuring RClone is probably the most complex item to perform.

for Windows:
C:\>rclone config
Current remotes:

Name                 Type
====                 ====
nasbackup            drive
nasbackup2           drive
nasbackup3           drive

e) Edit existing remote
n) New remote
d) Delete remote
r) Rename remote
c) Copy remote
s) Set configuration password
q) Quit config
for Linux:
$ rclone config
Current remotes:

Name                 Type
====                 ====
nasbackup            drive
nasbackup2           drive
nasbackup3           drive

e) Edit existing remote
n) New remote
d) Delete remote
r) Rename remote
c) Copy remote
s) Set configuration password
q) Quit config

Configure Sprinkle

As long as RClone is configured correctly with volumes, Sprinkle works out of the box, however, Sprinkle can be configured by editing the file sprinkle.conf. The file that ships with sprinkle has all default values assigned which work for most installations, however, it’s possible that values have to be tweaked for specific installations. All values in sprinkle.conf are commented. For example, the debug value

sprinkle.conf debug value:
# run sprinkle in debug mode. Expect a lot of output
# value: true|false
# debug=false
in order to change the value:
# run sprinkle in debug mode. Expect a lot of output
# value: true|false

This modification will set the debug value to true and output additional information that can be used for development or troubleshooting.


Verify Sprinkle->RClone->Volumes Connections

To verify proper Sprinkle operation, use any commands, like the stats command:

for Windows:
C:\>python --version
calculating total and free space...
REMOTE                          SIZE                 FREE      %FREE
=============== ==================== ==================== ==========
nasbackup:                       15G                   0G          1
nasbackup2:                      15G                   1G          7
nasbackup3:                      15G                   0G          3
--------------- -------------------- -------------------- ----------
total:                           45G                   1G          3
for Linux: stats
calculating total and free space...
REMOTE                          SIZE                 FREE      %FREE
=============== ==================== ==================== ==========
nasbackup:                       15G                   0G          1
nasbackup2:                      15G                   1G          7
nasbackup3:                      15G                   0G          3
--------------- -------------------- -------------------- ----------
total:                           45G                   1G          3


Backup a Directory via Sprinkle

To backup (sprinkle) a local directory over to clustered volumes, use:

for Windows:
C:\>rclone backup C:\dir_to_backup
for Linux:
$ rclone backup /dir_to_backup


Restore a Previously Backed up Directory via Sprinkle

To restore a previously backed up directory, use:

for Windows:
C:\>rclone restore C:/dir_to_backup c:/restore_here
for Linux:
$ rclone restore /dir_to_backup /restore_here


List Directory Content via Sprinkle

In order to list files located on a clustered volume use the following commands:

for Windows:
C:\>python ls c:/dir_to_list
retrieving file list from: nasbackup:/dir_to_list/router1...
retrieving file list from: nasbackup2:/dir_to_list/router1...
retrieving file list from: nasbackup3:/dir_to_list/router1...
--- NAME                              SIZE MOD TIME            REMOTE
--- ---------------------------- --------- ------------------- ---------------
--- /dir_to_list/test.txt               15 2018-11-09:02:05:34 nasbackup2:
-d- /dir_to_list/router1                -1 2018-11-10:00:56:29 nasbackup2:
for Linux:
$ sprinkle-py ls /dir_to_list
retrieving file list from: nasbackup:/dir_to_list/router1...
retrieving file list from: nasbackup2:/dir_to_list/router1...
retrieving file list from: nasbackup3:/dir_to_list/router1...
--- NAME                              SIZE MOD TIME            REMOTE
--- ---------------------------- --------- ------------------- ---------------
--- /dir_to_list/test.txt               15 2018-11-09:02:05:34 nasbackup2:
-d- /dir_to_list/router1                -1 2018-11-10:00:56:29 nasbackup2:


Built-in Help

Sprinkle comes with a very extensive built-in help. Any option can be used from as a command line argument or set into the sprinkle.conf file. To invoke the built-in help use:

for Windows:
C:\>python --help
    sprinkle - the cloud clustered backup utility

SYNOPSIS: [options} {command} {arg...arg}

    Sprinkle is a volume clustering utility. It presents all the RClone available volumes as a single clustered volume.
    It supports 1-way sync mainly for backup and recovery.
    Sprinkle uses the excellent [RClone]( software for cloud volume access.

EXAMPLES: ls /backup backup /dir_to_backup restore /backup /opt/restore_dir stats -c /home/sprinkle/sprinkle.conf ls /backup
for Linux:
$ sprinkle-py --help
    sprinkle - the cloud clustered backup utility

SYNOPSIS: [options} {command} {arg...arg}

    Sprinkle is a volume clustering utility. It presents all the RClone available volumes as a single clustered volume.
    It supports 1-way sync mainly for backup and recovery.
    Sprinkle uses the excellent [RClone]( software for cloud volume access.

EXAMPLES: ls /backup backup /dir_to_backup restore /backup /opt/restore_dir stats -c /home/sprinkle/sprinkle.conf ls /backup


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We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.



This project is licensed under the GPLv3 License - see the file for details